Ghost-Post ... Qt and Ans... White Hat Patriot Site

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Ghost-Post members... Ask a question... Add supporting truth links... and blog answers and responses.  

What does “You lost your Shadow” mean?

Native Americans believe... Your Shadow is the one last thing you own after you have lost everything else. A man who has lost his shadow has nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Is the sun setting on the American Patriot? Are the Black Hats preparing to plunge us into darkness? Will they steal our shadow as they have stolen our privacy, health, assets, rights, and liberty? The Black Hats use indoctrination, deception, drugs, fiat money, and lies to enslave the non-elites. Beyond wealth... they seek total power and control... and now they want our shadows.

Ghost-Post is our attempt to build a community of Patriot White Hats to defeat and destroy the schemes of the Deep State Cabal... by enhancing private communications and using truth as an educational tool.

If we all ask the right questions... then the truth can be illuminated in the answers... and our shadows can be preserved.

Ghost-Post Rules

Welcome Patriots... Ghost-Posts is designed to support, assist and educate the White Hat Community.   Members determine our own site content by using the Q & A format and links.   Only members are allowed to post or comment.   You can contribute at no cost as long as you follow the rules.

Although Ghost Post has taken numerous security measures... Understand that the whole concept of a secured site is a phathom myth.   Nothing you ask or say on any site can be fully secured from Big Brother.   Always assume that you are talking to a judge and jury... but also refuse to let your constitutional rights be violated.   Learn to mask and cloak sensitive data... as you unmask and unwrap the truth.

Here are the rules:

Rule 1... Membership requires your Oath to... Support and Defend the US Constitution... as written, intended and amended.   Registration requires an email.   We only require just enough info to ban rule violators and trolls.
Rule 2... Questions must be clear and direct.  Short leading context statements are allowed... but must always end with the question and a "?".   Posted questions have edit or delete rights by the posting member.
Rule 3... Properly stated questions should trigger group answers and discussion.  Awaking and educating new members is a primary Ghost Post objective... so share your knowledge in the form of a question.   Jeopardy is no longer just a game show.
Rule 4... Try to "Pick a Tunnel" related to your question... but we understand that the tunnel names are very ambiguous, vague, obscure, and cryptic.   You will determine where the tunnels lead.
Rule 5... Use "Duration Days" to set how long your question should remain posted.   The question and all answers will be deleted after x number of days... with a 60 day max.  Ghost Post may retain questions of a historical educational value for an longer time.
Rule 6... Each question may optionally be assigned a hidden "Ghost Mark" by the poster... which can be used to retrieve public or private posts.   You can read more about the marker on the Post Question page.   Private posts should only be used when secured data is being conveyed by two or more members.   Think drop-box.
Rule 7... The question may include an optional link to an article or video.   All links must be to a known reputable site or source.   Links allow members to determine their own content and expose truth.  Members must immediately report any suspect or inappropriate links.
Rule 8... No foul language... No soliciting... No trolling...
Rule 9... Ghost-Post may not be used for or in support of any illegal activities.
Rule 10... Mods reserve the right to edit or remove content or to restrict users' posting privileges as necessary... if it is deemed detrimental to the Ghost-Post community or to the experience of others.
Rule 11...Copyright Protection:   Members should not link to sites that prefer to privatize content or charge for content.  Although most sites seek traffic... many discourage or prohibit links.  The Ghost Post database contains a table for blocked links.   All posted links are verified against the blocked link database at the time of entry.   Any site wishing to be added as a blocked site may email us on the contact page.
On yea... We kicked off the list of blocked sites by adding the top 100 liberal sites. Although we are against censorship... We are more opposed to indoctrination.

Member Questions...

And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. John 8:32   We must seek not only political freedom but spiritual freedom... Who gave us our inalienable rights and who wants to take them away?   The complexites of truth are really very simple.

Pick a Tunnel:      Use *Show All for recent posts only.

Will Trump finally end the Cycle of Deep State Enslavement?
Link: n/a Poster: wphipps Posted: Jul 22, 2024 08:53 PM Views: 20 Ans: 1
Is it time for us to Stand Up... Be Bold... and Brace for Impact?
Link: n/a Poster: wphipps Posted: Jul 16, 2024 06:27 AM Views: 29 Ans: 2
Q said "Enjoy the Show"... Are We watching a Movie?
Link: Poster: wphipps Posted: Jul 14, 2024 08:09 AM Views: 44 Ans: 4
What is the Department of Defense Law and War Manual... and how is it related to the ongoing Patriot Resets?
Link: n/a Poster: wphipps Posted: Jul 12, 2024 09:43 PM Views: 17 Ans: 1
Is the scare event coming in the next few weeks... Will it be a global Fake Alien Invasion?
Link: n/a Poster: wphipps Posted: Jul 07, 2024 06:24 AM Views: 24 Ans: 1
Free Energy... Does it exist and Why did the elites hide it?
Link: n/a Poster: wphipps Posted: Jul 06, 2024 07:59 AM Views: 23 Ans: 1
Why would the AMA (American Medical Association) and Big Pharma hide the Cure for Cancer?
Link: n/a Poster: wphipps Posted: Jun 28, 2024 10:41 AM Views: 32 Ans: 2
Can a spiritual awakening help you to better navigate the physical problems of the escalating current events?
Link: n/a Poster: wphipps Posted: Jun 25, 2024 08:14 PM Views: 48 Ans: 2
Are years and tears Just a measure of time, playin' with your mind?
Link: n/a Poster: wphipps Posted: Jun 22, 2024 10:15 AM Views: 33 Ans: 6
Was the CV19 VAX a Bioweapon?
Link: n/a Poster: wphipps Posted: Jun 20, 2024 11:34 AM Views: 19 Ans: 1
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Link: n/a Poster: wphipps Posted: Jun 17, 2024 08:01 PM Views: 27 Ans: 5
Are Russian subs off the coast of Florida?
Link: n/a Poster: wphipps Posted: Jun 12, 2024 01:14 PM Views: 22 Ans: 2
Are We Alone?
Link: n/a Poster: wphipps Posted: Jun 12, 2024 12:31 PM Views: 17 Ans: 2
Is the US Dollar losing Reserve Currency Status as we speak?
Link: n/a Poster: wphipps Posted: Jun 12, 2024 10:41 AM Views: 18 Ans: 2
Did God connect our souls to the universe through Energy, Frequency, and Vibration?
Link: n/a Poster: wphipps Posted: Jun 09, 2024 09:46 AM Views: 31 Ans: 1
Will Asset Tokens replace Stocks in a new type of stock market?
Link: Poster: wphipps Posted: Jun 07, 2024 11:47 AM Views: 13 Ans: 1
Are the standard PCR tests almost as bad as the vaccine jab?
Link: n/a Poster: wphipps Posted: Jun 07, 2024 08:44 AM Views: 12 Ans: 1
Are you stressed out by current events?
Link: n/a Poster: wphipps Posted: Jun 06, 2024 04:39 PM Views: 18 Ans: 5
What is the content and significance of Executive Order 13818?
Link: n/a Poster: wphipps Posted: Jun 06, 2024 10:39 AM Views: 24 Ans: 2

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