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Question Answers and Comments

Heres the Question...

Naval Battle Between Ukraine and Russia at Kerch Strait Bridge... What is the back story on the Ukraine Russia war Crisis?
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Poster: Gunner Date Posted: Nov 25, 2018 04:50 PM
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Heres the Answers and Comments...

Poster...  Gunner Posted:  Nov 25, 2018 04:53 PM
The Hal Turner Radio link provides an accurate hourly update of the escalation of today's events... but what is the real backstory on today's events. Most Patriots understand that the Ukrainian government is currently under the control of the DS (Deep State), and the DS has been trying to start WW3 for sometime. First Syria, then NK, and also in the Ukraine.

Considering the recent failure of the DS to bait President Trump with the Khashoggi Saudi Arabia war drum, the DS is getting desperate as the Acting AG Whitaker threat closes in for the kill. The DS is literally trying to bait Russia into starting another war by destroying the Kerch Strait Bridge, which was built by Russia after they annexed the Crimea.

Hal lays out the timeline of events, but the back story is best described by one of his commenters called inteldrop333. Here is his comment:

Very improtant Info appeared briefly on Russian media (before being scrubbed) that a NATO SADM, possibly a Diver deployable device, was being transported to the Kerch Straight to be used on the Crimean bridge. The device was being tracked by the Russians and they knew it had been loaded on to a Ukrainian Tug (escorted by 5 warships!! - 3 in the Black Sea, including one NATO vessel, and 2 waiting in the Sea of Azov).
This is why the Russians acted!
They never react with force and have never blockaded the Sea of Azov. Ground attack jets and Helicopter gunships, plus a warship armed with ASM and Torpedos were waiting.
This level of force would not be used just for a tug and a few old Ukrainian ships. But a tug carrying a tactical nuclear device about to bring down one of the worlds most strategic bridges, a bridge hated by NATO - as per the recent Op Ed in the 'Washington Examiner' (Ukraine should bomb the Crimean Bridge).
Ukraine regularly provokes Russia to little effect, but today the Rusians acted to stop a terrible event.
Ukraine is now in panic mode and there may be direct NATO intervention if the to cover this, if the Russians make this public.
The device may have come from the UK.
The UK have been psychologically preparing thier people for a war with Russia.
The SADM low-yield nuclear explosion would have brought down the bridge and melted the foundations, but looked like a conventional IED blast from above due to the underwater detonation and relatively low yeield of less than 1KT.
This was a WW3 level provocation STOPPED by the Russian FSB and SF's!
All traces of these reports are being scrubbed as I write!
Get this out before the story is completly scrubbed.

It is obvious to us that the UK has a very severe DS problem. First they interfere with the election of President Trump thru Five Eyes and MI6. Then they block the valid BREXIT vote of their own citizens. Now this, by supplying the bomb, they have direct involvement in another NATO attempt to start WW3.

The DS is not confined to the UK or even NATO. The US State Dept under HRC has to take the blame for initially overthrowing the Ukraine government and setting up the present DS Ukrainian rulers. The DS is a global problem. Putin kicked the DS oligarchs out of Russia, therefore they hate him as much as they now hate Trump. Hopefully, Trump, Putin and the Patriots worldwide will once again outsmart the DS.

Update: Adding a link to a 28 min video by Blackstone Intelligence Network which explains the background and the current situation. I do not always agree with Jake, but I always learn something when I listen to his channel. Here he does a good job on describing some of the facts surrounding this crisis.
Link: Click Here for Posted Link
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Reply...  coolbeans   @   Gunner Posted:  Nov 25, 2018 06:57 PM
President Trump would not have headed back to DC early unless this is really serious. Praying for a peaceful resolution.
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Reply...  Overwatch   @   Gunner Posted:  Nov 26, 2018 06:02 AM
I noticed in the comment by inteldrop333 that Kerch Strait was once again misspelled as Kerch Straight. If you read all of the comments on the Hal Turner radio site you will notice the following exchange:

Michael Larkin · 15:52 11/25/2018
Kerch Strait, not Kerch Straight
Reply Share

Hal Turner · 18:25 11/25/2018

This could mean several things.
1. Maybe the misspelling was unintentional and proves Hal Tanner also actually made the post as inteldrop333. Hal could have made the post to further info from one of his sources. - or -
2. AS Q tells us, in the pysop world, misspellings are intentional. Straight has double meaning as in getting the "straight story".

Not sure, but interesting.
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Poster...  Texan Vet Posted:  Nov 25, 2018 05:56 PM
Zero Hedge is also covering the story. Nikki Haley has called an emergency Security Council meeting for tomorrow at 11:00 am. I do not really trust Nikki Haley, but hopefully Trump still has her under his control.
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Poster...  coolbeans Posted:  Nov 25, 2018 07:13 PM
They have blocked the Hal Turner Radio link... the Zero Hedge link is still valid. My guess and hope is that the DS plot to blow the bridge was blocked by Putin and the DS is now trying to block the story.
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Poster...  wphipps Posted:  Nov 25, 2018 10:11 PM
Actually, at this point, We have no firm proof that the tug was carrying a tactical nuke to blow the bridge. We only have the comment of an anonymous poster, however, it would explain the severity of the Russian response. My understanding is that the Tug was seized, therefore, Russia should produce the evidence if a bomb existed.

At this point, I am inclined to think a deep state pysop is involved. It bothers me that Mike Pompeo met with the Ukrainian leaders a few weeks back and issued a Joint Statement on a US - Ukraine Strategic Partnership, as disclosed in the Blackstone video. Now I have to wonder if Pompeo is a black hat.

This is beginning to smell like another DS trap to force Trump into making a bad move. Think Khashoggi II. If the MSM starts going non-stop with the story tomorrow then we will have confirmation. If the story dies, then we can bet Putin found something on that tug.

Adding a link to an article on the Daily Mail which shows some good pics of the Russian Embassy in Kiev. Let's see how many DS protesters show up there tomorrow.
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Poster...  Overwatch Posted:  Nov 26, 2018 07:24 AM
I am posting this story from The Washington Standard, which talks more about the Mike Pompeo meeting with Ukraine. The story also points out that Russia could move to invade the Ukraine and how such a move will put pressure on Trump to back the Ukraine. Scary stuff. Let's hope Putin doesn't escalate the problem.

I have been watching the Q postings and the POTUS Tweets, but so far Trump has remained silent. I am sure that there is a lot happening in the background. Protests at the Russian Embassy in Keiv have been minor. The UN side-show will start in about an hour.
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Poster...  spooky Posted:  Nov 26, 2018 08:05 AM
The NSA has it all. Did a white hat General tip off Putin that the DS was planning to blow the bridge? I kinda doubt that Russia spoiled the plot w/o some help. We must be careful about assuming Russia is the good guy in all this, but we definitely know the DS is a bad actor.

This could be part of the initial plan to remove the DS from the Ukraine. If the Putin Plan was to invade, then it would already have happened. Putin would not have telegraphed such a move by first seizing ships.
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Poster...  wphipps Posted:  Nov 26, 2018 08:57 AM
This short video by Israeli News Live provides some confirmation about Ukrainian threats to blow the bridge. It also mentions that the US is building a military base in the Ukraine, which is the first time I have learned about it. It must be a NATO thing. No wonder Russia is taking action. Kinda like building a Russian base in Cuba.
Link: Click Here for Posted Link
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Reply...  wphipps   @   wphipps Posted:  Nov 26, 2018 12:04 PM
Martial Law declared in Ukraine. Big.
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Poster...  Gunner Posted:  Nov 26, 2018 08:53 PM
Trump response to Russia's actions against Ukraine:

When asked how he felt about the clash, Trump said, "not good. Not happy about it at all." He seemed reluctant to blame Russia, adding, "we do not like what's happening either way. And hopefully it will get straightened out."

Trump sets traps. He doesn't walk into them. He has left the task of criticizing Moscow to the outgoing US ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley.
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